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In the news ... what the editors are researching ...
Social media marketing and advertising. Social media has become the leading destination for consumers -- especially young people -- seeking information about plastic surgery. But a study shows the majority of providers advertising aesthetic surgery services on Instagram are not board certified-plastic surgeons, so patients who respond to the ads are putting themselves at risk. The ads
particularly affect young people, who increasingly want to
improve their appearance for Instagram, Snapchat and other
social media channels, but often do not understand who is
qualified to perform procedures "The confusing
marketing on social media is putting people at risk," said
Dr. Clark Schierle, a health system clinician of surgery at
Feinberg and a Northwestern Medicine plastic surgeon. "There
have been many recent reports of patient harm and deaths
resulting from inexperienced providers offering services
outside of their area of expertise." Northwestern Medicine.
Aesthetic Surgery Journal Immersive
journalism in a post-truth world. Immersive
journalism allows viewers to have an intensely subjective
experience of an objective situation. It promises new ways
of heightening interest in and empathy for news stories, but
it also runs the risk of aligning with a post-truth politics
centering around subjectivism and relativism. Many
challenges remain, chiefly with regards to the technological
and ethical aspects of turning an external viewer/reader
into an immersed and active participant. Frontiers in
Digital Humanities Why people pay
for news and what it means for future of journalism. Slightly
more than half of all U.S. adults pay for news, with roughly
half of those subscribing to a newspaper, according to a
study conducted by the Media Insight Project, a
collaboration between the American Press Institute and The
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
"People are drawn to subscribe to news for three reasons
above all the others: the publication excels at coverage of
key topics, friends and family subscribe to the publication,
and, to a lesser degree, in response to discount promotions
on subscription prices," said Tom Rosenstiel, executive
director of the American Press Institute. "The findings from
our study carry a number of important implications about how
publishers should proceed--including that they must pursue a
dual strategy of both print and digital for the foreseeable
future, and that even as newsrooms contract they must
improve coverage in key areas of specialization." Major daily
newspaper websites play key role in brand perception -
Canadians consider websites of major daily newspapers as the
most prestigious media environments, according to the
Context Matters Consumer Study, conducted by Rogers Insights
in partnership with the Canadian Marketing Association
(CMA), Marketing magazine and Globe Media Group. "The
Context Matters Consumer Study provides valuable insights
for marketers to consider when developing strategy to help
drive business success," said CMA's President and CEO, Doug
Brooks. "Context really does matter to consumers." How 'time is money' thinking can hurt the environment - Thinking "time is money" can be a barrier for people to act in environmentally friendly ways, even for tasks like recycling that take mere seconds. "Putting a price tag on time leaves individuals to focus on their own needs and goals, as opposed to the needs and goals of others, including the environment," says Ashley Whillans, PhD student in UBC's Department of Psychology. University of British Columbia. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Half of the most popular news on Twitter is not covered by traditional news media - The analysis focuses on the "trending topics" of Twitter because they share some of the same characteristics as news, dealing with subjects that attract the attention of a large number of people. "They are events that a large number of users are interested in and, in this regard, we can say that they are news items selected democratically by Twitter users in a country," the researchers noted. "The conclusion we have reached is that the geographic dissemination of news on social networks preserves some of the biases present in the dissemination of traditional news, like the fact that it tends to flow more from rich countries to poor countries," said Rubén Cuevas, a researcher from the UC3M Department of Telematic Engineering. In addition to this socioeconomic conditioning, the study reveals that there is another important bias among countries that speak the same language: a cultural one. "To summarize," he said, "economic power conditions the dissemination of news on social networks among countries with different languages, while in the case of countries that share the same language, the fundamental conditioning factor is cultural similarity." "Approximately
half of the events included in "trending topics" are also
reported as news in the traditional media, while the other
half are subjects that, despite attracting the attention of
a large number of Twitter users, do not appear in the
media," said the researchers. 300 Authors
and a 50,000-Books - Public Art Installation at
Inaugural Bay Area Book Festival at Berkeley in
Partnership with the San Francisco Chronicle The San Francisco
Chronicle is the festival's title media sponsor. Another key
partner is the University of California at Berkeley, which
is lending its intellectual firepower to the festival's
programming. The university provided a Chancellor's
Community Partnership Fund grant for the event. The City of
Berkeley is a further partner, providing support as well as
services involved in devoting a generous portion of downtown
to the festival. Bay Area Book Festival "Great stories are often better when told out loud," said King. "This event is a cool way for more people to discover just how fun listening to my stories can be." "Stephen King has always been a huge supporter of audiobooks and has embraced innovative marketing ideas for his books," said Chris Lynch, President & Publisher, Simon & Schuster Audio. "We are delighted to collaborate with our colleagues at Play.it® and CBS RADIO to again break new ground with this audio publishing event." Simon & Schuster Powerful people quick to notice injustice when victimized - Powerful people respond quickly to unfair treatment when they are the victims, but they are less likely to notice injustice when they benefit or when others are victimized. "Powerful people are only faster to notice unfair situations when they're the victims," Sawaoka said. "Our findings also suggest that powerful people are slower to notice unfair situations that victimize other people, and this converges with other research demonstrating that the powerful are less empathetic to the plight of others." The study findings help explain the persistence of income inequality and "white privilege" in American society, said lead researcher Takuya Sawaoka, a doctoral student in psychology at Stanford University. "People who are repeatedly victimized by unfairness are going to end up with fewer resources and opportunities," he said. "Effectively responding to unfair situations (e.g., by seeking out more equitable outcomes) could enable the powerful to maintain their higher social standing. In contrast, because powerless people are slower to perceive and respond to unfairness, they may become more vulnerable to exploitation. These processes could end up perpetuating gaps between the powerful and powerless." Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Media stereotyping - Research by Cynthia Frisby, an associate professor of strategic communication in the University of Missouri School of Journalism, has revealed racial stereotyping in the way media portray athletes. Frisby found that media stories on African-American athletes focus primarily on criminal actions while stories about white athletes are overwhelmingly positive. "True cultural sensitivity requires the eradication of racial and ethnic stereotyping; thus, journalists and reporters must reflect on how their own unfounded beliefs about race differences in sports likely contribute to the stereotyping of black athletes as engaged in more criminal activity and innately physically gifted yet lacking in intelligence and strong work ethics," Frisby said. "Not only does negative media coverage serve to legitimize social power inequalities, but also it is likely to undermine black athletes' achievements and contribute to stereotype threat." Corporate greed - That gut feeling many workers, laborers and other underlings have about their CEOs is spot, that say CEO greed is bad for business. Greed seems all too apparent to many workers. The recent recession left millions without jobs and many companies sinking into a sea of red. At the same time, though, stunning bonuses and other perks were landing in the laps of people at the helm. The studies also examined managerial hubris and how it differs from self-confidence. "Hubris is an extreme manifestation of confidence, characterized by preoccupation with fantasies of success and power, excessive feelings of self-importance, as well as arrogance," researchers wrote. University of Delaware, Texas A&M University, University of Cincinnati. Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies Will you ever pay off your student loan? Would-be participants of higher education must be given full and transparent advice before they accumulate debts as students that follow them into the workplace. Anecdotes about telling horror stories of alumni with tens of thousands of dollars in interest-accruing debt earning minimal wages. Law graduates precluded from obtaining a license to practice despite passing the necessary bar exams because of a bad credit record, restaurant school graduates hoping to become chefs but earning a fraction of their debt peeling potatoes. Most worryingly, Deborah Figart adds that the average student has around 8 to 10 loans and the total student debt far outweighs the nation's total credit card bills. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education Education 'experts' may lack expertise - The people most often cited as "education experts" in blogs and news stories may have the backing of influential organizations - but have little background in education and education policy. The findings are cause for concern because some prominent interest groups are promoting reform agendas and striving to influence policymakers and public opinion using individuals who have substantial media relations skills but little or no expertise in education research. University of Illinois. Education Policy Analysis Archives Teenage TV audiences and energy drink advertisements - Researchers found that between March 2012 and February 2013 on 139 network and cable channels and found that more than 608 hours of advertisements for energy drinks were aired. Nearly half of those advertisements, 46.5%, appeared on networks with content themes likely to appeal to adolescents. Energy drinks, including shots and drops, contain caffeine often at levels greater than traditional soda and other ingredients meant to stimulate energy. High caffeine intake among adolescents has been linked to many adverse health effects, some of which could be quite serious for individuals with underlying health conditions. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Effective marketing communications - McCann Worldgroup Europe and McCann Worldgroup Middle East & Africa are the No. 1 ranked regional networks for effectiveness in their respective regions, according to the 2015 Global Effie Effectiveness Index. McCann Worldgroup is now the only worldwide network ranked No. 1 in effectiveness in more than one region. The Effie Index recognizes the architects of the most effective marketing communications ideas from around the world, determined by their success in more than forty national & regional Effie Award competitions. Suzanne Powers, Global Chief Strategy Officer, McCann Worldgroup, said, "The combination of creativity and impact for our clients' brands is what we strive for across all of our regions and disciplines. This ranking is an honor and testament to this focus." Internet searches create illusion of personal knowledge - Searching the Internet for information may make people feel smarter than they actually are. "The Internet is such a powerful environment, where you can enter any question, and you basically have access to the world's knowledge at your fingertips," said lead researcher Matthew Fisher, a fourth-year doctoral candidate in psychology at Yale University. "It becomes easier to confuse your own knowledge with this external source. When people are truly on their own, they may be wildly inaccurate about how much they know and how dependent they are on the Internet." American Psychological Association. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Getting job recruiters to read your online resume - Job recruiters may review hundreds of online resumes for a position, often screening them quickly and discarding those that are not appropriate. An applicant's email address can greatly impact first impressions and affect one's chances of getting hired. An informal email address includes slang, cute, or made-up names instead of the applicant's real name. "We all have unconscious biases, and first impressions, as we know, are often difficult to change," says Editor-in-Chief Brenda K. Wiederhold, PhD, MBA, BCB, BCN, Interactive Media Institute, San Diego, California and Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Brussels, Belgium. "This study may assist recruiters in becoming more conscious of their biases, as well as aiding job applicants in understanding the importance of their electronic identities." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Increasing economic inequality rises out of political actions - Politicians' support of economic policies that benefit their supporters are a boon to those on higher end of economic spectrum. University at Buffalo and Pennsylvania State University. Journal of Elections, Public Opinions and Parties DDB - India
acquisition - In a move to lead the development
of the digital marketing solutions space in India, DDB Group
Asia Pacific and Omnicom Group Inc. announced it has
acquired 22feet. Mobile marketing key ... - "When you couple the power of the smartphone, with really smart analytics, retailers have an opportunity to forge some really strong customer relationships, and elevate their marketing to new levels," said Lori Bieda, Executive Lead for Customer Intelligence, SAS Americas. "Retailers who recognize the power of customer information and analytics and use it to deliver location-smart personalized offers to consumers, when and how customers want them, will win the lion share of the shopping basket." Food packaging chemicals may be harmful to human health - The synthetic chemicals used in the packaging, storage, and processing of foodstuffs might be harmful to human health over the long term, warn environmental scientists. This is because most of these substances are not inert and can leach into the foods we eat. Despite the fact that some of these chemicals are regulated, people who eat packaged or processed foods are likely to be chronically exposed to low levels of these substances throughout their lives. These include the
fact that known toxicants, such as formaldehyde, a cancer
causing substance, are legally used in these materials.
Formaldehyde is widely present, albeit at low levels, in
plastic bottles used for fizzy drinks and melamine
tableware. Other chemicals known to disrupt hormone
production also crop up in FCMs, including bisphenol A,
tributyltin, triclosan, and phthalates. The total number of
known chemical substances used intentionally in FCMs exceeds
4000. Top 1000
Brands - Samsung has claimed the number one spot in
the Campaign Asia-Pacific Asia's Top 1000
Brands report, the biggest and most influential survey of
brand perception in the region. Appointments
... |
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